About the Tech
This site was built on WordPress using the visual page builder Beaver Builder as well as custom theming.
The website was also connected to a third party service using an API. There were no existing plugins to work with this service so I created the functionality from scratch. This required two parts: PHP to manage secret keys and keep them safe while getting data from the service, and javascript on the front end to bring that data into the browser.
My Role on this Project
While I did not create this site initially, I helped to add new features and make improvements that touched on every page.
In addition to general site maintenance I was responsible for taking care of many things: Building out an interface for a third party API; Upgrading the blog search; Making SEO improvements; Creating a new registration form; Deploying changes to production; Keeping plugins up to date; Performing quality assurance testing to make sure everything was looking great.
SEO was one area that we managed to make many improvements to. Using modern tools I found issues in both the URL structure and HTML tags; and explained to the team both the cause of these and why they mattered to our ranking. They approved my plan to fix things, and afterwards scans showed a significant improvement.